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Project1998 - это документально-исторический сайт, рассказывающий о событиях 1998 года в России: экономическом кризисе, дефолте, девальвации - с настоящей новостной лентой REUTERS за август 1998 года и воспоминаниями - видео интервью участников событий.
ACI Russia
29 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 29 (Reuters) Yeltsin cuts short his holiday
Yeltsin cuts short his holiday and flies to Moscow citing "urgent business" prompting fears of cabinet reshuffle. But he replaces only...
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ACI Russia
20 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 20 (Reuters) IMF approves its $11.2 billion share of the new international loans
IMF approves its $11.2 billion share of the new international loans. First $4.8 billion made available.
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ACI Russia
19 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 19 (Reuters) Yeltsin vetoes reduction in tax cuts
Yeltsin vetoes reduction in tax cuts and decrees four-fold hike in land taxes after Duma rejects much of revenue-raising elements in...
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ACI Russia
15 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 15-17 (Reuters) The State Duma guts government anti-crisis plan
The State Duma guts government anti-crisis plan, approving measures which Kiriyenko said would provide only a third of targeted revenues....
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ACI Russia
13 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 13 (Reuters) International lenders pledge $22.6 billion in extra credits
International lenders pledge $22.6 billion in extra credits spread over 1998 and 1999. Shares briefly soar.
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ACI Russia
2 июл. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
July 1-2 (Reuters) Pickets of Siberian miners
Siberian miners start new pickets of railways, demanding wage arrears and the resignation of Yeltsin and his government. Shares tumble on...
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ACI Russia
25 июн. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
June 25 (Reuters) The IMF approves the release of the $670 million tranche
The IMF approves the release of the $670 million tranche, but it fails to impress traders and shares fall again.
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ACI Russia
23 июн. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
June 23 (Reuters) Yeltsin and Kiriyenko present anti-crisis plan
Yeltsin and Kiriyenko present anti-crisis plan consisting mainly of tax laws. Yeltsin says the crisis has become "so acute that there are...
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ACI Russia
19 июн. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
June 19 (Reuters) Russia asks for additional credit
Russia asks for additional $10-$15 billion credit package from the IMF and other lenders.
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ACI Russia
18 июн. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
June 18 (Reuters) The International Monetary Fund delays an expected $670 million tranche
The International Monetary Fund delays an expected $670 million tranche of its $9.2 billion loan to Russia, citing problems with...
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ACI Russia
4 июн. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
June 4 (Reuters) Central bank cuts key interest rate
Central bank cuts key interest rate to 60 percent from 150 percent in a sign of growing confidence
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ACI Russia
29 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 29 (Reuters) Influential Russian tycoons pledge to back Yeltsin
Influential Russian tycoons pledge to back Yeltsin. Yeltsin appoints hardliner Boris Fyodorov to head tax service
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ACI Russia
27 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 27 (Reuters) Central bank triples key interest rate
Central bank triples key interest rate to 150 percent after t-bill yields soar and shares tumble
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ACI Russia
26 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 26 (Reuters) Yeltsin signs austerity package
Yeltsin signs austerity package to stabilise budget and cut spending. Russia suffers a blow as no one bids for a 75 percent stake in...
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ACI Russia
21 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
Сухарто объявил о своей отставке
Революция в Индонезии – свержение президента Сухарто
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ACI Russia
13 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 13 (Reuters) Russian markets fall
Russian markets fall further on news of Asian woes, amid violence in Indonesia and poor state of Japan's economy
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ACI Russia
12 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 12 (Reuters) Coal miners protest over unpaid wages, blocking a major railway.
Coal miners protest over unpaid wages, blocking a major railway. Shares tumble, mainly on a law restricting foreign ownership of shares...
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ACI Russia
5 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
Отозвана лицензия Токобанка
Отозвана лицензия Токобанка, одного из контрагентов по российским расчетных форвардам для западных банков. Данная новость приводит к еще...
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ACI Russia
5 мая 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
May 5 (Reuters) New cabinet, packed with reformers, is announced.
New cabinet, packed with reformers, is announced. Markets mainly rise over this period, but major investors still sidelined.
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ACI Russia
27 мар. 1998 г.1 мин. чтения
Mar 27 (Reuters) Yeltsin formally nominates Kiriyenko as premier.
Yeltsin formally nominates Kiriyenko as premier, vowing to dissolve parliament if it fails to approve him. Parliament finally approves...
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