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08/04/1998 04:53:10 ЗАГОЛОВКИ мировых новостей Рейтер 06.00 МСК

Фото автора: ACI RussiaACI Russia

WASHINGTON - President Bill Clinton will stick to his story

that he never had sex with Monica Lewinsky, a White House

spokesman said, amid growing clamour for the president to give

a full account of the relationship.

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UNITED NATIONS - Chief U.N. weapons inspector Richard

Butler is cutting short his visit to Baghdad after encountering

serious difficulties in talks with Iraqi officials, Security

Council president Danilo Turk said.

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BAGHDAD - The fate of talks between Iraq and chief U.N.

arms inspector Richard Butler was uncertain, with both sides

saying they did not know if they would hold further meetings on

eliminating Baghdad's weapons of mass destruction.

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WASHINGTON - Western powers stepped up the pressure on

Serbia to halt its offensive in the strife-torn province of


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KINSHASA - Army rebels have risen up against President

Laurent Kabila in the east of the Democratic Republic of the

Congo in a revolt that mirrors the uprising that brought him to

power just over a year ago.

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LAGOS - Leaders of Nigeria's Yoruba, whose southwestern

ethnic heartland has long been the stonghold of opposition to

military rule, gave the nod to General Abdulsalam Abubakar's

plan to restore democracy next year.

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BELFAST - A landmark compromise was reached between

Protestant marchers and Catholic residents in the Northern

Irish city of Londonderry over a contentious parade planned for

the weekend.

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LASSING, Austria - Rescuers on Monday considered whether

to call off a 17-day search for survivors in a caved-in

Austrian mine after failing to find 10 missing men in an air

pocket where they were thought to be.

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WASHINGTON - A U.S. federal judge ordered a status hearing

in the government's antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft Corp.

as the two sides wrangled over pretrial manoeuvres that could

delay the landmark trial.

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WASHINGTON - The United States urged Israel and the

Palestinians to put specific peace proposals on the table,

saying this could lead to a breakthrough in stalled Middle East


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WASHINGTON - The United States said it would not lift

sanctions against nuclear rivals India and Pakistan until the

governments agreed to steps to ease tensions.

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LUANDA - United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said

he had met Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos to discuss

the ailing peace process, as fears mounted that the country

will slide back into civil war.

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TOKYO - Opinion polls published by Japanese newspapers on

Tuesday showed low public support for new Prime Minister Keizo

Obuchi and his government.

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