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08/07/1998 11:05:51 TABLE-Details of Russian domestic debt payments

Фото автора: ACI RussiaACI Russia

MOSCOW, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Following is a schedule of Russian

government domestic debt repayments from August 7, 1998, to

2005, compiled by Reuters using data from the central bank and

the Finance Ministry.

The figures have been adjusted to reflect bills bought by

the finance ministry in a debt swap earlier this month.


AUG 12 - Repayment of series 21085 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 5.32 billion roubles.

- Auction of series 31001 GFO (364 days)

Volume - 3.0 bln rbl

- Auction of series 25025 OFZ bonds (378 days)

Volume - 3.0 bln rbl

Coupon rate - 30.00 pct (155.34 rbl)

AUG 19 - Repayment of series 21086 t-bills (364 days).

Volume in circulation 4.75 billion roubles.

AUG 26 - Repayment of series 21088 t-bills (364 days).

Volume in circulation 5.07 billion roubles.

- First coupon payment on series 25022 OFZ bonds.

Volume 719.52 million roubles.

SEPT 2 - Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25017 OFZ bond

Volume 452.77 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 21089 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 3.90 bln rbls

SEPT 3 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 17 issue of OGSZ

savings bonds

Coupon rate - 32.82 pct

SEPT 9 - Repayment of series 21090 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 3.91 bln rbls

SEPT 16 -Repayment of series 21092 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 5.85 bln rbls

- Payment of 1st coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.43 bln rbls

SEPT 23 -Payment of 1st coupon on 25th OGSZ savings bond

Coupon rate 32.82 pct

- Repayment of series 21109 t-bills (245 days)

Volume in circulation 6.90 bln rbls

SEPT 24- Payment of 2nd coupon on 18th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 32.82 pct

SEPT 30- Payment of 3d coupon on series 24011 OFZ bonds

Volume 742.51 mln rbls

- Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25018 OFZ bonds

Volume 714.04 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 21094 t-bills

Volume in circulation 5.65 bln rbls

OCT 7 - Repayment of series 21104 t-bills (294 days)

Volume in criculation 5.69 bln rbls

OCT 8 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 19th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 25.47 pct

OCT 14 - Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25019 OFZ bond

Volume 396.28 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 21110 t-bills (259 days)

Volume in circulation 6.91 bln rbls

OCT 21 - Payment of an 8th coupon and reapyment of series

24009 OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 500.07 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 21097 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 5.32 bln rbls

OCT 23 - Payment of 3d coupon on 13th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 25.47 pct

OCT 28 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24012 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.03 bln rbls

- Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25020 OFZ bonds

Volume 687.84 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 21111 t-bills (266 days)

Volume in circulation 7.85 bln rbls

NOV 4 - Repayment of series 21112 t-bills (266 days)

Volume in circulation 8.36 bln rbls

NOV 5 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 20th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 30.32 pct

NOV 11 - Repayment of series 21125 t-bills (182 days)

Volume in circulation 5.34 bln rbls

NOV 18 - Repayment of series 21114 (266 days)

Volume in circulation 8.94 bln rbls

NOV 20 - Payment of 1st coupon on 27th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 30.32 pct

NOV 21 - Payment of 3d coupon on 14th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 30.32 pct

NOV 25 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24013 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.49 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 21102 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 6.99 bln rbls

NOV 26 - Payment of 2d coupon on 21st OGSZ savings bonds

DEC 2 - Repayment of series 21129 t-bills (175 days)

Volume in circulation 3.55 bln rbls

DEC 9 - Repayment of series 21119 t-bills (252 days)

Volume in circulation 6.79 bln rbls

DEC 16 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24014 OFZ bond

Volume 1.79 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 21131 t-bills (175 days)

Volume in circulation 2.98 bln rbls

DEC 17 - Payment of 1st coupon on 28th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate - 37.37 pct

DEC 23 - Repayment of series 21105 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 6.22 bln rbls

DEC 24 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 22nd OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 46.66 pct

DEC 25 - Payment of 3d coupon on 15th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 46.66 pct


JAN 13 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24015 OFZ bonds

Volume 3.35 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 21108 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 5.07 bln rbls

JAN 20 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24016 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.89 bln rbls

- Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25021 OFZ bonds

Coupon rate 15.00 pct (74.79 rbls)

Volume 1.11 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 21113 t-bills (336 days)

Volume in circulation 9.37 bln rbls

JAN 21 - Payment of 2d coupon on 23th OGSZ savings bonds

Coupon rate 15.00 pct

JAN 23 - Payment of 3d coupon on 16th OGSZ savings bonds

JAN 27 - Repayment of series 21115 t-bills (329 days)

Volume in circulation 8.36 bln rbls

FEB 3 - Payment of 3d coupon on series 24017 OFZ bonds

Volume 0,20 bln rbl

FEB 10 - Repayment of series 21116 t-bills (336 days)

Volume in circulation 7.92 bln rbls

FEB 17 - Payment of 1st coupon on series 25024 OFZ bonds

Volume 0,65 bln rbl

Coupon rate 20,00 pct

FEB 18 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 24th OGSZ savings bonds

FEB 24 - Repayment of series 21117 t-bills (343 days)

Volume in circulation 8.02 bln rbls

MARCH 3 -Payment of 3d coupon on 17th OGSZ savings bonds

- Payment of 3d coupon on series 25017 OFZ bonds

Coupon rate 14.00 pct

MARCH 10-Repayment of series 21118 t-bills (350 days)

Volume in circulation 7.99 bln rbls

MARCH 15-Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25013, 25014,

26001, 26002 and 26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 3.07 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)

MARCH 17-Payment of 2nd coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

-Repayment of series 21128 t-bills (294 days)

Volume in circulation 4.59 bln rbls

MARCH 24-Payment of 3d coupon on 18th OGSZ savings bonds

-Repayment of series 21121 t-bills (343 days)

Volume in circulation 7.71 bln rbls

MARCH 25-Payment of 2nd coupon and repayment of 25th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

MARCH 31-Payment of 3d coupon on series 25018 OFZ bonds

- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series

24011 OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 5.85 bln rbls

APRIL 7 -Repayment of series 21120 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 5.87 bln rbls

APRIL 8- Payment of 3d coupon on 19th OGSZ savings bonds

APRIL 14-Payment on 3d coupon on series 25019 OFZ bonds

- Repayment of series 21122 t-bills (357 days)

Volume in circulation 7.57 bln rbls

APRIL 21-Repayment of series 21123 t-bills (357 days)

Volume in circulation 7.50 bln rbls

APRIL 23-Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 13th

OGSZ savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

APRIL 28-Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 24012

OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 6.82 bln rbls

- Payment of 3d coupon on series 25020 OFZ bonds

Coupon rate 12.00 pct

MAY 5 - Payment of 3d coupon on 20th OGSZ savings bonds

- Repayment of series 21124 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 8.26 bln rbls

MAY 12 - Repayment of series 21126 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 10.12 bln rbls

MAY 19 - Repayment of series 21127 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 3.55 bln rbls

MAY 20 - Payment of 2nd coupon on 27th OGSZ savings bonds

MAY 21 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 14th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

MAY 26 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment on series 24013

OFZ bonds (686 days)

Volume in circulation 8.00 bln rbls

- Payment of 3d coupon on 21st OGSZ savings bonds

JUNE 6 - Payment of 3d coupon and repayment of series 25001

OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 5.60 bln rbls

JUNE 9 - Repayment of series 21130 t-bills (364 days)

Volume in circulation 2.31 bln rbls

JUNE 10- Payment of 2d coupon and repayment of series

25015 OFZ bond (730 days).

Volume 580.00 million roubles.

Volume in circulation 2,90 bln rbls

- Payment of 2d coupon on series 25016 OFZ bond

(1,096 days). Volume 610.17 million roubles.

JUNE 16- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 24014

OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 7.70 bln rbls

JUNE 17- Payment of 2d coupon on 28th OGSZ savings bonds

JUNE 24- Payment of 3d coupon on 22d OGSZ savings bonds

JUNE 25- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 15th OGSZ

savings bonds

JULY 14- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 24015

OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 6.92 bln rbls

JULY 21- Payment of 3d coupon on 23d OGSZ savings bonds

- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 24016

OFZ bonds (728 äíåé)

Volume in circulation 3.84 bln rbls

- Payment of 3d coupon on series 25021 OFZ bonds

JULY 23- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 16th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

AUGUST 4-Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series

24017 OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 3.08 bln rbls

SEPT 1 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 25017

OFZ bonds

Coupon rate 14.00 pct (70.00 rbls)

Volume in circulation 6.47 bln rbls

SEPT 3 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 17th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

SEPT 15- Payment of 3d coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

SEPT 24- Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 18th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

SEPT 29- Payment of 4th coupon on series 25018 OFZ bonds

OCT 8 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 19th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

OCT 13 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 25019

OFZ bonds (728 days)

Coupon rate 12.00 pct (59.84 rbls)

Volume in circulation 6.62 bln rbls

OCT 27 - Payment of 4th coupon on series 25020 OFZ bonds

NOV 5 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 20th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

NOV 20 - Payment of 3d coupon on 27th OGSZ savings bonds

NOV 26 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 21st OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

DEC 17 - Payment of 3d coupon of 28th OGSZ savings bonds

DEC 24 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 22nd OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls


JAN 19 - Payment of 4th coupon on series 25021 OFZ bonds

JAN 21 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 23d OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

FEB 18 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 24th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

FEB 23 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of series 25022

OFZ bonds (728 äíåé)

Coupon rate 15.00 pct (74.79 rbls)

Volume in circulation 9.62 bln rbls

MARCH 15-Payment of 3d coupon on series 25013,

25014, 26001, 26002 and 26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 3.07 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)

- Payment of 4th coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

MARCH 29-Payment of 5th coupon on series 25018 OFZ bonds

APRIL 26-Payment of 5th coupon on series 25020 OFZ bonds

MAY 20 - Payment of 4th coupon and repayment of 27th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

JUNE 10 -Payment of 3d coupon and repayment of series 25016

OFZ bonds (1,096 äíåé)

Coupon rate 20.00 pct (200.00 rbls)

Volume in circulation 3.05 bln rbls

JUNE 17 -Payment of 4d coupon and repayment of 28th OGSZ

savings bonds

Issue volume 1.00 bln rbls

JULY 19 - Payment of 5th coupon on series 25021 OFZ bonds

SEPT 13 - Payment of 5th coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

SEPT 27 - Payment of 6th coupon and repayment of series

25018 OFZ bonds (1,092 äí)

Coupon rate 14.00 pct (69.81 rbls)

Volume in circulation 10.23 bln rbls

OCT 25 - Payment of 6th coupon and repayment of series

25020 OFZ bonds

Volume in circulation 11,49 bln rbls


JAN 17 - Payment of 6th coupon and repayment of series

25021 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.11 bln rbls

Coupon rate 15.00 pct (74.79 rbls)

Volume in circulation 14.83 bln rbls

MARCH 14 -Payment of 6th coupon on series 25023 OFZ bonds

MARCH 15 -Payment of 4th coupon on series 25013, 25014,

26001, 26002 and 26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 3.07 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 25013 OFZ bonds

Volume 6.14 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)

SEPT 12 - Payment of 7th coupon and repayment of series

25023 OFZ bonds (1,274 days)

Coupon rate 14.00 pct (69.81 rbls)

Volume in circulation 20.47 bln rbls


MARCH 15- Payment of 5th coupon on series 25014, 26001,

26002 and 26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 2.45 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 25014 OFZ bonds

Volume 6.14 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)


MARCH 15- Payment of 6th coupon on series 26001, 26002 and

26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 1.84 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 26001 OFZ bonds

Volume 6.14 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)


MARCH 15- Payment of 7th coupon on series 26002 and 26003

OFZ bonds

Volume 1.22 bln rbls

- Repayment of series 26002 OFZ bonds

Volume 6.14 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100.00 rbls)


MARCH 15 -Payment of 8th coupon and repayment of 26003 OFZ


Coupon volume 614 mln rbls

- Repayment of series 26003 OFZ bonds

Volume 6.14 bln rbls

Coupon rate 10.00 pct (100,00 rbls)

((Anna Smirnova, Moscow Newsroom, +7095 941-8520

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