NOVGOROD, Russia, Aug 14 (Reuters) - President Boris Yeltsin
said on Friday that Russia would not devalue the rouble and that
recent problems on Moscow's financial markets were partly the
result of a new wave of global market troubles.
"There will be no devaluation -- that's firm and definite,"
he told reporters after arriving in the mediaeval city of
Novgorod in northwestern Russia from his nearby holiday
residence at Valdai.
"At the moment, there is a new wave of world financial
crisis and we have to brace ourselves again to be able to deal
with this situation," he said. "We've calculated our reserves
and are ready to resist this wave."
Yeltsin, looking well as he descended from a helicopter with
his wife Naina to be greeted by local officials, said he had no
intention of breaking his holiday to return to Moscow because of
the market upsets.
"That would signify that there was turmoil, that would
signify that there was a disaster and that everything was
collapsing," he said. "On the contrary, everything is going as
it should. The president is resting."
He said his main tasks when he returned from vacation would
be "certain financial and personnel issues", indicating that he
might reshuffle his government. He also planned to prepare for
the parliamentary election which is due late next year.
Видео: Президентский центр Бориса Ельцина
Август 1998. Поездка в Новгород. Беседа с прессой о возможной девальвации рубля, кадрах, подготовке к думским выборам. Посещение завода "Квант". Общение с жителями города, рабочими мясокомбината. Ответы на вопросы журналистов.