LONDON, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Crisis-hit Russia is likely to
have to restructure its GKO domestic short-term government debt,
a senior official from rating agency Fitch IBCA said on Friday.
But David Riley told Reuters Television holders of Russian
Eurobonds could be confident of obtaining their coupon payments
as scheduled in November and December.
The International Monetary Fund package that had been
intended to reform the Russian economy had clearly failed and
there was a risk of capital flight from Russia, Riley said.
"Russia needs to act very decisively and very soon. They
have got days rather than weeks. The current strategy is clearly
not tenable if they wish to avoid a massive and uncontrolled
devaluation of the rouble," Riley said.
"I would be very worried if I was a holder of GKOs and I had
exposure in terms of the rouble debt. It is now very likely that
the Russians will be forced to restructure the treasury bill
debt, the GKO debt and impose capital controls in order to try
to put a cap on capital flight," he added.
Riley said Russia's foreign currency obligations were about
$5.0 billion. "If I was a holder of a Russian Eurobond I would
be very confident you will get your coupon payments in November
and December," said Riley.
((Paul Bolding, International Bonds Desk +44 171 542 6701, Fax
+44 171 542 5285,