MOSCOW, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Russian Communist Party leader
Gennady Zyuganov said on Suday some of the pledges Russia had
made to secure a huge loan from the International Monetary Fund
should be revised.
Zyuganov told reporters his party would insist that a
document on political accord between the president, the
government and parliament, broadly approved earlier on Sunday,
should also include a promise by the new government to revise
several points of the IMF-Russia loan deal.
"We think that this document should reflect our attitude to
a number of articles signed with the IMF by (Central Bank
chairman Sergei) Dubinin and (former prime minister Sergei)
Kiriyenko," Zyuganov told reporters.
He said he was referring to "obligations to destroy natural
monopolies, shift the full tax burden to individual citizens
(from companies) and to raise housing rent by 15 percent every
Earlier on Sunday, acting Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin
and leaders of the Communist-led State Duma lower house of
parliament approved a deal aimed at building a political
consensus to save Russia from economic collapse.
The deal is expected to secure Chernomyrdin's confirmation
as prime minister by the Duma and strip President Boris Yeltsin
of some of his sweeping powers. Zyuganov's comment appeared to
indicate he would express those demands during debate on
Chernomyrdin's approval.
